MOFComp.exe Could not be Found!

Ran into a customer issue that I see every so often that I thought I would highlight it here. Usually begins with updating Broadcom nic drivers.
Uninstalling the old version goes fine but when the new version is installed. The dreaded MOFComp.exe could not be found.

So one thing to check for is the Path Environmental variable. If it is preceded with 2 semi-colons then that will be the issue. See below

Deleting the semi-colons and saving the variable should allow the install to complete.

Keep in mind this is not the only explanation for “MOFComp.exe could not be found” errors, as in, it could really be missing or something else is wrong with the OS. However This does give you a “usual suspect” to check and may actually be the answer.

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Posted in Hardware, Windows 2012, Windows 2012 R2
2 comments on “MOFComp.exe Could not be Found!
  1. Jonah says:

    Hey Guys,

    I ran into this issue, with the mofcomp.exe missing. I checked the path, and there were no extra semicolons. It turned out, the “C:\Windows\System32\wbem” path was not listed.
    I added it to the Path variable and logged out, logged back in and successfully ran the Broadcom Update. Hope this helps someone.

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